Know Your Bass Player YouTube series from WhichBass

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What is the Know Your Bass Player video series?

The Know Your Bass Player series is created by and dissects popular bass players. Going through their gear, the style and the techniques that they use to get their sound.

As a bass player and a sound engineer myself, I am fascinated by the instruments and gear out there that creates music.

I created this series to explore this world and find out how the the little things like an amplifier, string type or effect. Can change a musicians style and effect a composition.

If you consider your self a gear nerd (like me!) and want to know all the little details of the best bass players. Join me, each month where we look at a new bass player and figure out their secrets.

The current video schedule is about a month from the last release.

Current bass rigs covered

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If you’re a completionist and just need to know every last detail about an artist then this newsletter is for you.

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Request a bass rig rundown

Is there a bassist who’s rig you’d love to understand better? Get in touch and tell me!

Current production of videos takes about a month, so get your request in now before everyone else.

Leave a comment on any videos from my YouTube channel or send me a tweet using the button below.

While you’re here

Apart from the Know Your Bass Player videos, this website is full of resources for bass players new and old alike. Primarily, we discuss Which Bass you should buy as a beginner but in addition to this content. We also provide guides for experienced players and discuss related topics like “Should I buy a 5 string bass?“,  “4 string vs 5 string” or “Precision vs. Jazz basses“.

For all of our current guides and discussions, take a look at the Bass  Guitar Guides page.